Jan 09, 2007 02:30
two bottles of 8.5% belgian ale marketed under the name 'delirium' gets me pretty drunk.
don't feel sorry for me. i quite like it.
the first day of working at the hospital got me assigned an entire unit to myself and has cultivated a fear of riding bicycles. i was regaled, appalled, by stories of pick up trucks swerving to the other side of the road to hit an innocent biker then charging out with a baseball bat prepared to beat said biker with this abominable piece of wood unntil they were senselessly beaten and dead. and the poor man with holes in his torso because he was also a victim of inconsiderate automobile drivers.
automobile drivers cutting me off and hating me because i'm not a wasteful endless energy consumer
.. consumer consumer consume.r i wnat to somehow cut all ties with that role but it's almost impossible living in this fucking country. i'm tired of always takingtakingtaking. i'm sick of people complainingcomplainingcomplaining when they just happened to be the luckiest people on this earth, can they not handle the responsibility of this role?
mothguts never showed up and the game of apples to apples was pretty tepid but satisfying for that particular night.
reading has proved to be pleasurable activity for me once again. douglas coupland, donald bartholome, jaime hernandez, gertrude stein have been my entertainers of january '07. i keep forgetting that it's '07. i've been signing more documents that usual this month and i keep scrawling down '06. damn.
i haven't written anything down since january 3rd, 2007 (it's not 2006 anymore, dammit) and i fear the task of writing again because that means that i need to providee catch-up and the last thing i want to do is catch-up -- i just want to lie down and watch the sun rays filter through the golden brocade and sleep and not think about anything anymore.