Title: "To Andromeda Tonks"
Game Date: December 13, 1998
Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks
Location: Malfoy Manor
Summary: Narcissa writes to her sister
Status: Personal/reflective
Completion: Completed
Dear Andie,
I would very much like to visit during the holidays. I wish I could invite you to my home in return; it's frustrating being unable to. I really think it would do Lucius and Draco a world of good to meet you, if they would only let themselves see it.
I'm glad to hear you're settled in and are getting on well with your neighbors. I remember Featherline--strangest girl I ever met, though I tolerated her better than Rita Skeeter, who was the world's worst gossip, even then.
I'm still happy I hexed her glasses to her nose for a day. Wish I'd made it last a week.
At least you have Wizarding neighbors nearby, and I'm glad Mrs. Whipple is able to help you care for Teddy. He sounds quite the active little boy! I hope his new parakeet can survive the shock. Has he named it?
The job sounds intriguing. What sort of doctor do you work for, a GP or a specialist? I'm guessing a Muggle doctor, given the computer?
I begin to wonder how much longer we of the Wizarding kind will be able to continue to live without modernising our homes more. I remember how resistant Mum said Grandfather was at the idea of modernising the loo when she was a girl. He kept saying it was Muggle foolishness. Here at the Manor, we have electricity installed but only use it for the plumbing. And the only reason the Malfoys permitted it to be installed was to blend in when the wires were laid.
I go into Salisbury or London and see that only having electricity is archaic. There are people who walk around with odd little metal devices that they can talk into, like sending owls without parchment. I did not see this even five years ago; now, the little things are everywhere. Pretty soon, wizarding folk will need to know how to operate these things or become increasingly behind the times--moreso than we already are. I don't like that, but it's the truth.
I'm getting tired, so I think I'll close here. I've been thinking of buying a new owl in Newent--there's an owlery near the Birds of Prey Centre there. Shall I come by to visit, one of the days you're off work? Let me know.
Included with the letter is a small carrot cake.