May 15, 2005 23:16
Why are friends so FUCKED UP! We say we love people, that we care for them. Make them feel important and that they make a huge difference in the balance between happy and sad. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. What is wrong with us! What the hell runs through the human brain at night that makes this ok? WE ARE ALL SO FUCKED! Why are we all falling apart… what the hell is going on. We used to do nothing but enjoy eachother and now we are ripping eachother to pieces. I cant stop crying. I want to but I cant’. Fuck. Fuck all the feelings that make me not understand this…My friend josh asked me why I was so down now, he talked to me about how I used to be so optimistic and just about the cheeriest person he knew. He asked me where my gift of optimism went… and I replied that it had walked out the door with trust and friendship… I never thought id hear myself sound so miserable and dead.
Thank you to the people that always stuck with me, always helped me, and will continue to do so. I dont know... fuck.