Nov 11, 2004 10:58
So, i am EXTREMELY hurt at the fact that my "family" hasn't e-mailed me back. I e-mailed 3 of my fam members that i dont talk to on the regular to tell them that i had surgery and how the outcome was, and everything else that was/is going on. And NOT ONE of those assholes wrote me back or called or anything. Some family, huh? So, i have decided that i am disowning my aunt Cathy and my Papa Pete, my Uncle Weff, has "tried" to write to me, but for whatever reason, its not working, and he's my favorite, so he's still family. But for the rest of them, FUCK YOU! I've come to realize over the past few years they really dont give a fuck about family. I thought they cared, but i guess i was just young and naive and couldnt see past the fact that family SHOULD care about family. Holy Shit, was i wrong. Not all people think that way, so shoot me, i was wrong and now i am the one that is pissed about it and i am the one that has fewer people in my family. It just hurts that the people who are "supposed" to be there for you, unconditionally, arent. And in all reality dont give a fuck about what is going on in your life, or how you are doing, especially health wise, they just dont care. So to my "dear aunt cathy" and my "dear papa pete", who doesnt and probably will never realize that his family falling apart.... FUCK YOU! You dont care about me or this family. I guess im the only one that does, or did. Cuz i dont give a fuck anymore. Fuck you, you're not my family anymore.