The top of the show.
My Darlings!
Peter Pan being....erm...
John being ADORABLE! And Jess laughing hysterically.
Me and Jules. How pretty we look! :D
Jane and Tiger Lily drinking my sierra mist.
The Storyteller and Mr. Darling. He wins the bright lipstick contest.
The gentlemen Sarkey and the boatswain Smee!
Me and Great Big Little Panther.
Me and Liza.
Me and Mrs. Darling.
The Storyteller and Captain James Hook.
Me and Jess!! Cuz, we ain't no hollaback girls!
Mine and Erika's sultry pose.
Smee and the Storyteller.
The end of the show. Before I walked Jess to her car.
I know. B-E-A-UTIFUL!
The End.