Dec 18, 2006 05:22
So I really thought that auctioning myself off wouldn't be that much fun, what I didn't expect was to walk away from the night with 2 numbers from stunning men AND have fun getting myself auctioned off....
I got 2 numbers.. That is 2 more than I have ever gotten before.. Granted I never have tried before, and tonight I didn't really try either but I couldn't help myself, the young man I bought was terribly cute and funny, and the other that I scammed a number from was just sweet as pie and very modest..
Now one lad is a youngin that I happen to purchase in the singles auction for a whopping $55 and worth every penny ladies haha (he is bar legal and then some but still younger than I by a few) the other is older and right up my alley as far as age goes, but they both get a level playing field. they are both stunning I can't deny them of level playing fields if they want to get into the game..
Oh boy this is gonna be fun... I am almost proud of myself for obtaining my first numbers from random men (ok ok not so random, friends of friends) but still, big step for this little girl..
I have a terrible headache from all the Heiniken I drank tonight..... Time for Spag...