Apr 05, 2010 19:52
Hey there, minna-san, how are you? Good? I hope so...
I recall about spring-summer last year there was a message for all farmers to seek out locust larvae and exterminate them before they grew up and could fly. I guess there were farmers who didn't bother.
We're not near many farms, but Bendigo is full of locusts! I originally thought they were grasshoppers, but nup! One even came inside tonight! I hate spiders, but I was cheering for it to eat the damn thing!
Our crops are already in trouble due to drought, but they're working on irrigation channels to help solve that problem. Now we have to deal with frickin' locusts!
Ew ew ew ew EW!!! I hate them! (At least we're not over-run by wasps like in a place near Melbourne...)
I bloody well hope something is done about those locusts and quickly!
That's it for now, minna-san. Ja ne.