So, remember a few weeks ago, I mentioned getting Yellow Submarine K'NEX figures of the Beatles? Well, I can't take better pictures than these, so using my webcam, I just snapped these ones...
I have all four sitting on my bedside drawer acting as Dream Guardians (and boy, has it been pleasant!) since there's currently no room on there for my Chopperman statue due to the whole thing being covered with different Pokemon plush.
Also, these...
Remember the Pokemon blind bag custom plush? I got Raichu! I also received a little Get Well Soon card (the seller heard I was sick) that featured Raichu and Madeline (drawn in Bemelmans' style), Raichu wearing the same outfit as Madeline. The tail is long, so I have it draped over her arm.
This is an adorable little purse Tash got me at a shop in Melbourne called Daiso. They sell everything there for $2.80, that purse being no exception. I got her a frog purse back in April when I went there. I keep my chibi Pokemon figures in there, and when I leave the house, I also put my Beatles figures into it so they can come too and stay safe.
Like I said, best I could do for photos. XD;