Hey there, minna-san! How are you? Good? I hope so...
First, the vid! I'm almost done with the Red vs. Blue songs. After these will be the Shirokuma Cafe ED themes! This song is I am the Best by Epsilon Church (Burnie Burns) with the Elites (rapping Elite by Lamar Hall).
Click to view
He's singing this because the aliens are now treating him like their new god ever since he wound up in that ball with the laser-face. (Caboose no likey, he'd been worshipping Church since before it was cool!)
Okay, so last night's Shirokuma Cafe. I have yet to see it. But, thanks to tumblr, here's a screenshot that made me wanna squeal...
A REFERENCE TO THE NEOROMANCE SERIES NEO ANGELIQUE!!! Haha, a couple of weeks ago, there was a gag with Penguin commenting Llama is just like a butler. That's possibly a reference to Kuroshitsuji in which Ono Daisuke (Llama) voiced Sebastian. (I think if Shirokuma, voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (who was Claude in the 2nd season) did somethig right after as more of the gag, I'd die laughing). There are two gags in this screenshot alone!
Grizzly is voiced by Nakamura Yuuichi, he was Jet in Neo Angelique.
Sasako is voiced by Endo Aya, she was Angelique in Neo Angelique.
Then we have Panda as Nyx (Panda's voiced by Fukuyama Jun and Nyx was voiced by Ohkawa Tooru), and Penguin as maybe Erenfried(?) (Penguin is voiced by Kamiya Hiroshi, Erenfried was voiced by Irino Miyu). If Llama was dressed like Hyuga, that would've made me even happier (since Hyuga is also voiced by OnoD).
Okay, got that out of the way. Yesterday, my wrists were bothering me again. I was told that maybe admin is not for me (because my wrists are always aching), causing me to break-down. There'd be nothing left! If I had to leave admin, there'd be no hope for me to ever get a job! I'm considered too old for retail and thanks to body issues, I can't work at places like KR Castlemaine (that's where Dad works, it's the factory where they process meats), or in any jobs that require standing still for a long time thanks to my knee.
I went to the doctor today to ask his opinion and he said to take painkillers, shake my wrists out every so often. And, because I'm still sore with the right wrist that I'd injured two weeks ago, I was referred for an x-ray. I had that done, find out the results on Monday afternoon hopefully.
Off the bad news now. I've written four more fics! Two for Saiyuki, two for Red vs. Blue.
The Saiyuki fics... One is Sanzo and Goku noticing the subtle shift in the group dynamics after Gojyo and Hakkai become a couple but try to keep it on the down-low. The other is a friendship fic between Gojyo and Hakkai, inspired by the events from the Gensoumaden episode "Guilty or Not Guilty - Kaizai".
As for Red vs. Blue, they both have Wash as a main character. The first is a V-day fic in which Caboose is missing Church and their delightful tradition (involving Caboose wishing Church "Happy Valentine's Day" and being told to "Get the f*** away from me!", followed by Church ripping out Caboose's heart - literally! - and handing it to him). Wash hears of the tradition and decides to face Caboose about it. They talk, Caboose feels a little bettter, though still missing Church. He then decides he wants to give Wash something since the former Freelancer had given him a couple of things since joining Blue team. The other has Wash and Donut waiting out a storm, but Donut is terrified of them thanks to a traumatic event in his childhood. Also includes some "d'aww" between the Red team (except Lopez).
That's it for now, minna-san! Ja ne!