Oct 13, 2010 03:50
Hey there, minna-san, how are you? Good? I hope so...
I just took a couple of quizzes on Quizilla, just to amuse myself before I go to sleep. Anyway, the first was "Which Angelique character are you?" and I got Lumiale. Then, I tried "Which Angelique male character would your partner be?" and I got Lumiale. I'm not even intentionally trying either, but I'm rated as Lumiale and then find that he's my Angelique boyfriend!
Then I thought about giving a couple of Yami no Matsuei quizzes that fell under those same lines a try. First was "Which character are you?" and got Watari, without even trying to! XD Then I tried "Which hot male Yami no Matsuei character would be your boyfriend?" and I felt my responses would've led to me being with Tsuzuki...but, nup! I was paired with Watari! XDDD
Seriously, I wanted to crack up laughing when I got those responses, I was rated as someone, then wound up dating them in the next quiz!
Okay, better go to bed now.
That's it for now, minna-san! Ja ne!
yami no matsuei,