Feb 05, 2013 08:02
...to someone who took the time and trouble to read and review a fic of yours, then insisted IN ALLCAPS that you change the ending to suit them? Believe me, I appreciate it more than anyone knows when someone reads my fic and leaves me a review. I don't often get that. But insisting I change the ending because it didn't suit them? I'm sorry. No can do. I had reasons for ending the fic in question the way I did, and I don't plan to change it, especially as I have a sequel to said fic in progress and it would become moot if I edited the ending.
How would you guys respond to the person, to anyone, who asked you to edit a fic for them?
ETA: Thanks, everyone, for your comments below. It's nice knowing I have back-up, and that what I ended up doing wasn't the wrong thing. *hugs you all*
fic: gen,
"hidden blessings" fanfic,
question for my readers