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jessm78 July 19 2012, 23:26:13 UTC
Awwww. This was just.... amazing. Jensen proclaiming it "Jared Day", and going out of his way to make Jared's birthday so kickass. This captures their friendship so nicely. You did an awesome job with this, hon! Perfect fic to celebrate Jared's birthday. Thanks for sharing! :)


bt_kady July 20 2012, 03:10:37 UTC
I'm so happy you like it! For being the first J2 buddy fic I've written, I'm happy with it. Hopefully I can do more...maybe a sequel for Jensen's birthday? :-)


jessm78 July 20 2012, 12:59:54 UTC
Ooh, a sequel for Jensen's birthday would be awesome :D


bt_kady July 20 2012, 13:21:46 UTC
I have to check to see what day of the week Jensen's BD was in 2009. It was pure luck that Jared's BD in 2008 was on a Sat. and that it was during the year the guys lived together. I'm hoping for the same luck for Jensen's part of it, but I won't hold my breath.

SCORE! \o/ It was Sunday. One thing, though, by the time Jensen's BD rolled around, weren't both guys dating their future wives? I'm pretty sure Jensen and Danneel was, but I'm not sure when Jared and Gen started getting serious. OR when Jensen finally moved out of Jared's house. I may have to use some creative license...

Anyway, I'll see what I can come up with.


jessm78 July 20 2012, 13:41:57 UTC
Yeah, the official story about when Jared and Gen started dating was late Oct 2008 I believe. She was seen with him at the LA premiere of F13 in Feb 2009. I'm not sure how serious they were around the time of Jensen's birthday, but I remember Jared talking about filming Lucifer Rising and saying that they were just dating and getting to know one another then.

You could try 2008? Although Jared was engaged to Sandy then. 2009 could still work if it's just a buddy-type fic, I guess. Maybe you could have Danneel over the day before (Saturday) to celebrate with Jensen, then he and Jared celebrate on Sunday?

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :)


bt_kady July 20 2012, 13:50:35 UTC
The fic will be set in 2009 because it's Jensen's BD *after* Jared's in 2008. I think I read somewhere that the guys lived together for around a year, so I'll go with that. I remember seeing the photos of Jared and Gen early in their dating. I just didn't remember the time frame for them. I'll go with the ideas that, by March of 09, both couples were dating and, yeah, Jensen would have plans with Danneel on Sat. and Jared would plan something for Sun.

I love it when things come together the way I want! \o/

Now I just have to figure out what Jared would plan...hmm. Email me with ideas if you have them.


jessm78 July 20 2012, 13:58:53 UTC
All sounds good!! :)

I'll definitely see if any ideas spring to mind... hmm, I think a few just might ;)


bt_kady July 20 2012, 15:34:35 UTC
PRL and I are plotting it already. I know some of what we'll have happen, but still considering what gift Jared will give Jensen. Knowing Jared, he'll be generous.


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