I'm WAY overdue!

Mar 25, 2012 21:23

Because I was without a computer for several months, I didn't get my photos from last year's BosCon posted. I took quite a few photos, but few really came out well. Here are some of the best ones. This post will be graphic heavy, just to warn you. Also, since this is my own journal, I'm not going to put the photos under a cut. If you snag any of the photos, please credit me. Thanks.

I have to start off with my main man - Jared. He's so hard to photograph because he's always moving. (Richard is the same way.)

These first ones were taken at the Sunday morning breakfast...

These next few are at Jared's panel...

I love this facial expression!

Next, we have a few other panel photos - Richard, Misha, Chad and Traci...and then there's Matt. (What a goof.)

Here's one with both Jared and Misha...

And Traci...

Matt showed the audience what "planking" and "the owl" is...

How about photos from the karaoke party? THAT was an awesome event! This first one is the only decent one I got of Alona.

I got quite a few of Richard, Matt and Chad. Yep...I was CLOSE to the stage, baby!

This is THE BEST photo I got all weekend...

Ok, guys...you know the infamous "cock sock" story that went viral at YouTube? That happened at BosCon, and my friend platinumrosel is the one who made that comment to Jared. That wasn't the only thing she did that weekend. Oh, hell no. She got up and sang during karaoke, singing Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," and she ad-libbed a line, singing it to Matt, something about "not shooting blanks." You should have seen the look on Richard's face. "Oh YES she did!" he laughed.

Before the song...


...and after. It looks like Matt wants to strangle her, but he hugged her instead. Lucky woman.

I didn't get a picture of Richard about the time of the comment. Damn it.

Here's the last group of photos, from the cocktail party. I didn't get much that night either. Had they allowed photos when the guests were visiting each table, I could have gotten some excellent ones.

This is the best photo I got of Brock...

Traci, holding up one of the table centerpieces. If I remember correctly, I think that was the one that one the contest.

And another centerpiece...

And finally...here's platinumrosel and myself.

So, what do ya'll think? I have quite a few more, but they aren't nearly as good. Post 'em or not?

matt, alona, brock, boscon 2011, chad, traci, jared, richard, misha

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