Closing my LJ page

Mar 17, 2022 15:53

Considering world events lately, I have decided I no longer need to keep my account here at LJ. I haven't posted here in a long time and I've long since created a Dreamwidth journal, so if you follow me here, please follow me there. I'm not sure how long I'll keep this journal open, but I'll give ya'll time to read this and respond as you like.

I don't post much at DW, but I'll check in as I can. You can more often catch me at Facebook and Twitter.
I have accounts online elsewhere, too, but nothing noteworthy of linking to here.

Thanks to everyone who have been friends with me here over the years. If you're still active in the SPN family, please stay in touch with me. I'll be in it for the long haul!

dw account, closing my lj account soon, spn

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