Mar 04, 2005 08:11
so basically this entry is spacifically to give mucho and beyond thanks to my loverly darling SUZANNE for this flippin sweet layout she set up for me. shes pretty much the greatest person ive ever known. and i miss her beyond my control so if i dont hang out with her soon im gonna 'splode. most deff. I LOVEE YOUUU SUZE.
i lovee newssiess [for those of you who are too dumb to realize that one.] anyways THANKS A BAJILLION HURRTWAN I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART. <333333333
alright so im pretty sure this wont be a real entry either. concidering i dont have too much to write about. well not to mention fact i just am too lazy to post any pictures right now. haha. oh well deal with it. uhm..things arent going good with the whole boy situation - to those of you who actually know what im talking about. anyways.. hopefully that will start clearing up soon. maybe if some girls stay out of my good feeling especially when they DONT EVEN FLIPPIN KNOW HIM jeeze. oh well. ive become friends with a few people i wasnt friends with anymore. thats always something that makes me smile. i missed fayegay, smilgay and kygay and katiebrockgay today at lunch. (only the coolest understand the power of the gay) so anyways im pretty much done here. i love you.
ohhh wait. i wanted to make a special shout out to lisa. MY LOVERLY SHRIMPO<3 shes just been there for me to complain and talk about all my business lately and i just love her to death for it. im just glad we re-met eachother this year because i can already tell that we're probably gonna get hella closer before it ends. i love that girl to death and i dunno what i would ever do without my shrimpo. we oh so totally are hanging out soon ive already pre decided. hmm well i just want her to know how thankful i am for everything shes helped me out with lately. even though it doesnt seem like much to anyone else. <33333 i love you shrimpo!!