Jun 04, 2010 22:01
- 17:36 CheetoWagon mobile keg.....coming to a neighborhood near you! yfrog.com/5dinucj #
- 17:53 CheetoWagon mobile keg: serving an anonymous customer in traffic just before 99N: yfrog.com/eaotlzj #
- 18:48 CheetoWagon mobile keg: another satisfied customer! yfrog.com/0ylx1j #
- 19:11 CheetoWagon mobile keg: out of gas!?! yfrog.com/1rnn5jj #
- 19:47 CheetoWagon mobile keg:back in action & at Cirque.Too bad the sheriff was near, would have given parking peeps beer yfrog.com/euyoxfj #
- 21:31 Dual flush at Cirque du Soleil yfrog.com/14v0dej #
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