
Oct 18, 2007 01:17

Here I am, On the phone again. Awkward silence, on the other end.

It's kind of weird reflecting on myself these days. yet I find myself strangely attracted to this place again.

Sometimes I wish the divine would slap me in the fucking face.

I'm in love, have been since I quite this place. I found my truth, my answer, my husband.

I never thought I'd make it here, but shows what I know.

I hate a lot of things right now, but I just can't get over the fact that I am truly in love.

I'm scared of the idea of being around another man these days...I freak out and feel like it's wrong.

I feel like he will always be my one. I don't ever see us straying this lifetime without eachother.

I think we will make it and prove the world wrong that true love still does exist, and that people are made for eachother in one way.

Oh I am so blind.
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