
May 12, 2005 00:05

* Name: Brittany Nichole Starnes
* Age: 18
* Sex: Female
* Eye color: Light Green
* Hair Color: Blonde
* Hows things: Average...

What do you?
* Desire: Love
* Smell like right now: My Burberry perfume
* See out of your window: where the pool will be finished soon..
* Look for in a partner: Honesty is the most important thing..
* Have a fetish for?: haha

* Crayon color: Pink
* Flavor: Watermelon
* Possession: My dog!
* Time of day: Evening
* Movie: When Harry Met Sally..
* Person: My Mamaw Nell
* Emotion: Happiness

* Happiness is: Great
* What was the last lie you told: shew, its been a long time...
* What couldn't you live without: My family and my dog..
* What do you wear to bed: big t-shirt
* Sleep: is the best!
* Cat or dog: dog
* Bath or Shower: Bubble Bath..
* Candles: Love Em'
* I would do anything for love but I wont? Be someone I'm not...
* If you could have a cup of tea with anyone, who would that someone be: George Strait of course...
* What are you thinking right now: I need go to bed...
* Who do you idolize: Britney of course....hahaha....
* What is your obsession: My Dog Ben and George Strait...

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: Not really

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: Ashlee
[hugged]: Alyssa
[you instant messaged]: Nathan
[you laughed with]: Ashlee and Mom

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]: Heck yeah, life would be so much easier without this thing and its d.r.a.m.a
[what's your favorite food?]: Chicken
[whats your favorite fruit?]: Watermelon
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: yeah, stupid me...

-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: Never actually..
[of hearts i have broken?] : 1...
[of boys i have kissed?] : 11
[of girls i have you kissed?] : 0
[of close friends?]: 4
[of cd's that i own?] : alot
[of scars on my body?] : not many..
[of things in my past that i regret?] : A few, but one big one...

[i know]: EVERYTHING! haha
[i want]: to change lives...
[i have]: w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l friends!!
[i wish]: Our pool was ready..
[i hate]: D.R.A.M.A!!!!
[i miss]: Kaylee
[i fear]: Failure
[i hear]: the t.v.
[i love]: MY DOG!
[i ache]: when im sick..
[i care]: about other people's feelings too much..
[i always]: keep it cool...hahaha
[i cry]: when i'm mad....
[i do not always]: stand up for myself...
[i write]: on this stupid thing when im bored....
[i can usually be found]: At Kaylee's, or Ashwipes..
[i need]: $$$
[i am]: content
[favorite place to be kissed?]: forehead of course...
[wuss]: NEVER...
[druggie]: Heck no..
[gang member]: Oh yeah, Westside!
[daydreamer]: yeah sometimes
[alcoholic]: no
[freak]: no
[brat]: can be...
[sarcastic]: Most the time
[goody-goody]: of course<3
[angel]: not exactly
[devil]: nope
[friend]: well yes..
[shy]: around some people..
[talkative]: probably TOO talkative..
[adventurous]: yeah
[intelligent]: when I want to be

[impacted you the most spiritually]: Tyler
[wish you saw more often]: Kassie, Laura, and Kate
[most sarcastic]: Ashlee
[wish you knew better]: I know them all pretty well..
[knows you best]: Tyler
[best outlook on life]: Ashwipe I guess, considering she's getting married and all, her outlook is pretty good...
[sweetest]: All of them..
[loudest]: KAYLEE!!!

[your best feature (personality)]: I'm forgiving
[your biggest flaw (personality)]: I'm super stubborn..
[most annoying thing you do]: I guess when me and Kaylee talk with out Lisp..that annoys ash pretty bad...hah..
[biggest mistake you've made thus far]: I trust people too easy
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: My eyes and smile..
[height]: 5'10"
[a city you'd like to visit]: Poteet TX..Home of George Strait..
[a drink you order most often]: Water with Lemon
[a delicious dessert]: Chewy Charlies...Chocolate Covered Strawberries..
[a book you highly recommend]: Growing up Nazi...its so sad..
[the music you prefer while alone]: sad stuff...
[your favorite band]: Goo Goo Dolls...and Lifehouse..
[a film you could watch over and over]: When Harry Met Sally..
[you live in a(n)]: house
[your transportation]: Honda Civic
[your cologne or perfume]: Burberry, and Givenchy Hott..
[something important on your night table]: The picture of me and my dog Ben..

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
* Your thoughts first waking up: What time is it...
* Your bedtime: whenever i'm sleepy...
* Your most missed memory: I don't like to talk about it..
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
* Pepsi or Coke: Coke
* McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
* Single or group dates: Single
* Adidas or Nike: Nike
* Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
* Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-----------------DO YOU------------------
* Smoke: EW NO
* Curse: Not really
* Take a shower everyday: Yes
* Have any crushes?: I wouldn't call it a crush..
* Do you think you've been in love? yes
* Want to go to college: Thats where i'm at
* Like high school: It was good, most of it anyways..
* Want to get married: Yes
* Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yeah
* Believe in yourself: of course
* Get motion sickness: Nope
* Think you're a health freak: Yeah..very much
* Get along with your parents: of couse, they are awesome..
* Like thunderstorms: at night yes...
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
* Gone to the mall: yes
* Eaten sushi: no
* Been on stage: no
* Gone skating: no
* Made homemade cookies: yeah
* Stolen anything: no
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Flown on a plane: Yes
* Missed school because it was raining?: yeah
* Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: If they told me first...i'm shy about that stuff...hahaha
* Cried during a Movie?: yes
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no
* Had an imaginary friend: no
* Cut your hair: I pay someone to do it..
* Had crush on a teacher?: Not really...but Dennis George is the HOTTEST man a.l.i.v.e
* Been called a tease: yes
* Gotten beaten up?: nope, you can't take me...
* Been in a fight: yes
* Shoplifted: no
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
* Age you hope to be married: before 25
* Numbers of Children: 2 or 3
* Descibe your Dream Wedding: Oh its too much for me to go into
* How do you want to die?: I don't want to think about it
* What do you want to be when you grow up?: A teacher/Real Estate Agent...
* What country would you most like to visit?: Australia..
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
* Best eye color: anys fine...but blue is hott..
* Best hair color: light brown
* Short or long hair: I like it short or shaggy..
* Best height: atleast 6'0"
* Best weight: Average
* Best first date location: it doesn't matter as long as your having fun..
* Best first kiss location: if its right, thats all that matters...
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
* Number of drugs taken illegally: none
* Number of people I could trust with my life: Other than family, 3...
* Number of piercing: 2
* Number of tattoos: 0
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? shew i have no idea...quite a bit though...
* Fave Color(s): PINK!
* Day/Night: Night
* Summer/Winter: Summer
* Lace or Satin: Satin
* Fave Food: Chicken
* Fave Movies: When Harry Met Sally for the hundreth time...
* Fave sport: Volleyball
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Right Now Wearing: My pjs
* Drinking: nothing
* Thinking about: How tired I am...
* Listening to: CMT
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: no
* Worn jeans: Nope
* Met someone new online: no
* Done laundry: no
* Drove a car: yes
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: yes
* Your friends: yes
* Santa Claus: well of course...haha..
* Tooth Fairy: I use to...
* Destiny/Fate: yes
* Angels: yes
* Ghosts: I don't know
* UFO's: I don't know
* God: YES
------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you ever wish you had another name?: No..
* Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Not technically
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Kaylee, we're both weenies!!
* Are you close to any family member?: My Mamaw Nell, Mom, and Alyssa...not to mention Laura and Katie
* Worst Feeling?: Being Lied to
* What time is it now?: 12:57...BEDTIME!!!
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