Yay, we now how moderators and banner makers.
Each week will be run by a different mod.
Your mods are:
contradictznevermorepixieframedinbloodelfir + New contest Posted up by Friday Night/Saturday Morning (As soon as possible after voting for the previous week has been posted)
+ Voting put up on Friday Night**
+ New contest up by next mod
+ Winners announced Sunday Night/Monday Morning*
+ Banners made by banner makers preferrably by Tuesday.
** You may post voting as you wish. ie. In the formed of screened comments, voting polls.
* Winners should consist of First, Second, Third Place, and Mod's Choice (if you want).
Challenge One:
contradictzChallenge Two:
nevermorepixieChallenge Three:
framedinbloodChallenge Four:
elfir Challenge Five:
contradictzChallenge Six:
nevermorepixieChallenge Seven:
framedinbloodChallenge Eight:
elfir Banner Makers
Each week banners will be made by different banner makers.
Your banner makers are:
contradictzschalyframedinbloodmizugazipanMay be needing one or two more a little later?
+ Please make banners by Tuesday or Wednesday latest. I want the community to stay on schedule.
+ Banners should be: 300 wide by the height of the icon.
+ Banners should include the winning icons & they should be un-edited.
Challenge One:
contradictzChallenge Two:
schalyChallenge Three:
framedinbloodChallenge Four:
mizugazipanChallenge Five:
contradictzChallenge Six:
schalyChallenge Seven:
framedinbloodChallenge Eight:
mizugazipan Please don't go MIA. If you are unable to make a particular week, please inform me ahead of time.
If anyone has disappeared without a word, other banner makers and moderators are free to step in and help out.
On a final note, if you are the Mod to post the contest for that week you are not allowed to enter that contest. However, feel free to enter other contests that you are not running.