para-giaulz » Please vote for TWO icons of lesser quality with a legitimate reason why. "I hate that brush" is not a good comment, however, "the brush does not fit with the icon" is. When voting, elaborate your reasons, be constructive. Don't feel bad, the makers want to know why you chose their icon as a least favorite and that way it can help them to improve. Make your comments a little long, not just a few words.
» Please vote for ONE icon you like the most with a legitimate reason why. "Omigosh it's so cute!" is not a good comment, however, "the text & font fits well, everything flows nicely" is. Try to elaborate your reasons the best you can, this way the maker knows what the voter's enjoy and what to improve on. Make your comments a little long, not just a few words.
» When voting, do not vote based on personal preference, base it on the quality of the icon. If your comment seems to much of a personal preference then I will ask you to reword it and possibly elaborate.
» Do not vote for yourself and do not have your friends vote for you (this is for fun for crying out loud).
» Please use the format in the textbox when voting.
» DEADLINE: Sunday, March 23rd.
Least Favorites:
#: reason
#: reason
#: reason
Feel free to ask any questions.