Dec 14, 2009 17:51
Hey all! Long time, no update, as usual, I know.
I have just been really busy. However, I did just find out that I am going to have three weeks off for winter break, and I only thought that I had two! And, sweet Jesus, is it needed.
Next semester, I just have critical care lecure and clinicals, and a preceptorship (100 hours of work on a floor as an Oncology nurse), and then I graduate in April. Hopefully, I can take boards before May 25, because I am in the process of getting a passport and visa, so that I can hopefully, finally go on a medical mission to Africa. I decided two years ago to put off going to Africa until I had my nursing liscence, because I felt like I can do much more the people their as a nurse. I have found out recently that a group of 20 something nurses and doctors are going from Iowa to a town in Tanzania to build and set up an OBGYN clinc. I like this idea, because I can help set up the clinic, and then on subsequent visits I can nurse there, and then teach local women at the nursing school their so they can get jobs as nurses running the clinic. I am beyond excited for this opportunity. I feel like I have been so self - involved in my bubble of survival that hasn't included much outside of school, clinicals, homework, and work, and I haven't done that much in the way of serving others latley. Outside of my family, and my church family, and patients, of course. I don't want to get too excited, in case the paperwork doesn't work out in time, or I don't have the funds to be able to go. But, I have faith it will work out this time!
I HAVE been volunteering as a teacher's assistant at a residential facility for children with mental health illness. Which I really have enjoyed, and has been my savior that is keeping me from feeling like a rat in a wheel. Volunteering there has also re-ignited a passion in me to a foster care mother. I wish I could rescue all of these kids! I feel like all they really need is a parent that understands mental health, and has patience, comassion, and love to offer.
Also, still want to go on a road trip as well. I keep cutting it down from the original plan I had, and I am figuring out all the financial stuff still, but I know that I really have to see Utah, and California because I am still considering moving some place slightly more interesting post-graduation. Either Salt Lake, San Franscico, LA, or Las Vegas. If I could leave my family, which is a big if. But, If I love another place enough, I feel like maybe I could.
Maybe I want too much all at once? I am not married, I have never even been in a relationship, but I have to confess I spend hours a day looking at faces of orphans in ethiopia that need to be adopted, and the faces of the same special needs kids that have been on the adoption list for foster care for two years now here in Iowa, and I want to take in them all. I have been praying about it a lot, and I feel like God has been calling me to adopt all of my life. Practically audibly. But now that I am finally graduating, and feel like I am ready, and could start the process this summer He is telling me to wait.
Wait for what? I am not sure. And I don't want to. Honestly, I feel a little insolent. There are 143 million orphans, and I young, healthy, and finanically and emotionally able to take care of them, and my heart aches for them. I have been waiting for years, and the last thing I want to do is wait.
However, if I know anything, it's that God knows me better than myself. He has proved this time and time again. So I will wait. For now. Patiently. =)
How have you guys been? I am looking forward to having more time this break to catch up with everyone, my long lost friend the tele, and leisure reading!