I knew it was happening, and now the whole world knows. (thanks Tam)
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/04/08/DDC91007TR.DTL First thing to do is get groups formed (you get better prices for groups), I've got lots of groups.
Of course, my family will have to celebrate EVERY event at the theater!
Then there is the lottery. Weekdays, weekends, holidays! any free time!
The question is, when I see the new Elphaba, will the image of Dee be before my eyes? I saw her here 5 years ago.
It still is as fresh in my mind as though it were yesterday. Row D, seat 8, far right side, but in Heaven!
I am blissfully happy, an oximoron, I guess, but I don't care!