It's already May 9th?

May 09, 2007 10:05

Wow. Time is going by WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too fast. I'm not sure I like it.

I figured it was time for some updates:

Mono: I'm feeling MUCH BETTER. Almost, 100%. Towards the end of the day, I get kind of tired, but even that gets better each day.

Yankee Springs: I love it there. Granted, today is going to be my second day, lol, but the customers rock and the park is nice, and the people who work there are VERY sweet. I was introduced to everyone as the girl who knows everything, so don't let her fool you. lol.

Fort Custer: Tony (douchebag manager) went bull riding and was bucked off (no surprise there). Unfortunately, the horn caught his face, and he went in on Sunday morning for emergency facial reconstruction and they had to pull bone fragments out of his brain. He's not paralyzed, but he may lose vision in that eye. Karma, anyone?

Okay, I am going to go shower and get ready for work :) Yay!

OH, and I got a new dress for the wedding, and my mom forced me (literally) to buy a pair of $85 birkenstocks for work because they're "good shoes." Can you say ouch to my bank account? eek.
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