(study in europe, III)

Jul 30, 2005 20:09

bedroom at chateau
still saturday, 2 july. we finally reached the chateau in strasbourg. i was realizing i had been awake for almost twenty-four hours. or at least close to that number. the group had a small, controlled elation when finally reaching our destination. but we were so tired! the chateau was what we expected - huge parlor rooms on the ground floor with mysterious, door-like recessed openings in the walls, like an opening to a hidden hallway; cracked marble floors; huge stone staircase in the entry way. but upstairs, the bedrooms left much to be desired. our bedroom looked like a sleeping chamber at a catholic monastery, circa 1889. we had only one outlet and one lamp, and a sink mounted on the wall. as our week progressed, we explored the chateau like the scooby gang and continued to be amazed by the small hidden rooms we would find.
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