LwD Books

Jun 26, 2008 22:43

So I got the two Life with Derek books. First of all, I want to know why I can't get paid to do this. What does this Heather Alexander person have that I don't? (She wrote Breakup Blues, and someone else whose name escapes me wrote The Dating Game).

I just finished The Dating Game and I'm going to start on Breakup Blues soon. So here are my thoughts as of right now. Slight spoiler warning!

So far:

Are they essential reading? Not at all.

Are they cute and enjoyable? Yeah.

Some stuff that I feel like I need to talk about, because no one else will listen:

We get canon confirmation that Kendra's last name is Mason. Obviously that author (crap, I have to go look up her name on the book...it's Laura J. Burns) watches Degrassi. As far as I remember, we never got her last name on the show. Sadly, no lasts for Ralph or Sam. But that kills Ralph's last name being Mason (which is what I like to use. I think I'll stick with Shepherd for Sammy Boy, though.)

There is a janitor's closet involved in the first "scene" with Derek and Casey. This is highly amusing. I think Laura J. Burns is giving us fanfic writers a little nod (because the janitor's closet is like Dasey Cliche #15). Maybe Laura writes fanfic herself. Hmm. Probably not, because she's getting paid to write characterizations of Casey and Derek. Lucky Laura J. Burns!

In the beginnings and endings of some chapters, there are excerpts from Casey's diary. With Derek's comments scribbled in. Again, I find this highly amusing. It's officially canon that he reads her diary. And she knows it. (And he presumably writes in the margins). I love this idea. Good going, Laura J. Burns.

I didn't like how she portrayed the Lizwin relationship, though. She doesn't paint them as best buddies at all. In fact, she says they have "nothing in common." Uh, hello? I don't see that AT ALL. She acts like they just tolerate each other better than Casey and Derek do. Oh, well.

The way the book is written, there is still room for Dasey in between the lines, without full out saying anything. I think that was a really good balance to have, obviously.

Well, that's about it. Anyone else read them yet?

life with derek books, dasey is love, life with derek

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