Sep 03, 2006 01:40
I'm so excited. I talked to Amber (my bestest friend and pretty much only "FRIEND" in the world) and she is coming here in November and staying until after her baby is born in April!! I absolutly cannot wait. It's so exciting that we get to actually hang out for a long period of time and not just one day or a couple hours cuz she has such a busy visiting schedule. She's so nervous about the baby and she's got all these pregnancy questions for me and baby questions and I absolutly love it cuz it's like we're on the same page now. I can actually related to our lives now more than what we had in common from our past. This is goign to make us so much closer and I'm so happy for that!! So much more has gone on and the few people that read my journal, I want to tell them about something good that happened that I've been basically waiting to happen for 10 years now and it finally happened! But it's too long of a story to write this late. If I could catch their asses on AIM or something then maybe I wouldn't have to write a huge page about it. So get ahold of me BITCHES.