well these are old
danielle, new hair and all
we laughed like the WHOLE time
eric had fun
we serenaded eric the whole way
we will be famous one day
me and danielles shadows!! how sweet is that
we weren't to big on aquinas so we headed over to GVSU
peace out Aquinas
danielle's dad perfumed us with cigars (yumm)
cute. (like our shirts)
danielle and christina at GVSU
he wants to be a model
danielle modelling in front of GVSU's main building
haha she is submitting this one to a modeling agency
saying goodbye to christina
we ain't afriad of no PO-PO
ohkay well maybe a little (they saw us take the picture)
eric let me hold his hand
danielle helped me to get some buggers
and that's all