Aug 14, 2009 16:30
Dear Brett,
This is the real world, and elaborate conspiracies where the man you are inexplicably in love with shows up at your door after blowing you off for months when it comes to any face to face contact DO NOT happen.
The fact that his best friend called you 2 days ago and left a random voicemail that said, "Hey B, its Kevin, I was just wondering what you're up to this weekend... Give me a call when you get a chance... K, talk to you later" and then when you politely return the call with a message that said, "I have my roomate's bday dinner on Friday, but no other plans... Why? Give me a call back and we'll discuss." and he does NOT call you back, for 2 days, means NOTHING. That does NOT mean there is some elaborate scheme where perhaps said best friend, and STUPID MAN are planning a trip to Columbus WITHOUT telling you. Especially considering neither of these two know where you live now. So they would have to tell SOMEONE, probably your roomate, in order to get an address... And your roomate would cave when he saw how pissed this whole conspiracy theory has you... He most certainly could not keep such an elaborate secret.
The fact that you haven't really seen said roomate all week means nothing. he's got a new chick he's talking to. You've been removed, irritable. And you know, you work out every night, come home and watch TV. When should roomate have to be around? He's not hiding anything. The fact that he doesn't think Kevin calling you randomly is weird means nothing. He's a GUY. They don't think that heavily into anything...
And the fact that you haven't heard from Dave OR Kevin (who called you FIRST!) means nothing... They aren't NOT talking to you in order to keep the surprise a surprise... Dave ignores you all the time, and you did scream at him the other day and tell him you absolutely need to know what the hell he wants from you. He doesn't ahve an answer so he's not calling anymore. And Kevin's not calling back cuz.... Who knows? He was maybe driving through this weekend and now isn't. And just didn't bother to call you back and tell you that. Or he is still trying to get his plans together and will call you at the last second to say, "I'm driving through to Dayton, wanna grab dinner?"
Or, or or or or or or or or or .... There are TONS of scenarios, but it is not POSSIBLE that Kevin (and more importantly, DAVE) are coming to Columbus and you don't know about it...
Ok. Get it out of your head. Its tearing you apart and depressing you knowing it WILL NOT HAPPEN. SO STOP IT.