Category in Page

Feb 24, 2009 06:00

I hacked into the page.php file, tested for the page I wanted to convert, and added the LOOP code from category.php file to run instead when it hit that page. I also had to reset the query when that occurred.

The pages are kept in the wp_post table and their post_type='page', That’s how I found the page number I wanted to check for.

array(4,54),'showposts'=>10, 'paged'=>$page)); /** query_posts('category_name=techb&showposts=10'); **/ ?> ...
The one thing that’s not working is the “older/newer” links at the bottom. They come from the following code, and I’m not sure if I need to change it, or (more likely) change the modified query above to somehow take into consideration what page it’s on. Pagination? Anyone?  Found solution, and included above.

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