last night i dreamed about visiting my Grandma at her house in Broomfield, the one i grew up going to as a little girl. it was her birthday in my dream. i walked with her down to the basement, the basement that always scared me as a child. in my dream i somehow made closure with the basement and the corners and small rooms that scared me weren't so scary anymore.
we walked down to the ocean with 2 dogs Eli and Pablo (Pablo was my dog in a past relationship and Eli was a friends dog...a decade ago. oh how a decade sure flies). There were dolphins swimming so close to the shore, and a whales tale splashing out in the distance. the ocean flowed up and over the sidewalk flooding the sidewalk. i remember swimming out into the ocean and a school of dolphins crossed my path. at first i was scared, but then i realized i was safe.
after hours and hours of watching the waves crash, i realized that the whales tale had not moved and was still in the same spot splashing. that's when somebody notified me that the whale was stuck and was slowly dying. the sky was a strange mix of orange and dark yellow and there was sadness in the air but life continued so i knew that i had to stop watching the whale.
the rest of the dream is blurry with snippits of flashes of life that i don't remember. i woke up an hour past my alarm went off, feeling peaceful and calm.