Best Fierce Laura Icon:
murphy987Its my favorite fierce Laura scene with some fierce, kickass, awesome coloring to match! Love it! its jumps out and commands my attention.
Best Black & White icon:
astral_angelThe contrast here is just perfect. Love the crop, love the composition.
cheekanzoopThis is just one gorgeous black & white icon. Great crop, contrast, and lighting. The look on his face is haunting and you accentuated it perfectly.
Best crop:
fire_sisterI love the crop on this. And I love the overall feel of the icon, like she is reaching out from the darkness of space to touch the surface of the icon.
Cutest raptor icon ever
iladoraWhat can I say. This is just too cute!
Best Coloring:
iladoraI thought this icon was absolutely stunning from the moment I saw it. Its just Guh. Great crop. Coloring is gorgeous. And the text sets it off perfectly.
Prettyful Six Icons (I cant pick just one):
splodge04Love the crop and the coloring on this one
vordoghGreat crop and lovely coloring. And the image is nice and clear. Her face just draws me in.
nowoldSexy Six having sex icon! Love the coloring and the composition.
Best emotional/striking icon:
xmaidelxI just love the coloring and crop on this. Just seeing the old man laying out like that, so hurt and've captured it perfectly
And damnit, I ran out of spaces, so I too have honorable mentions:
Best gagged Ellen icon:
iladoraJust gorgeous coloring
Best Prettyful Laura icon:
xmaidelxLove the coloring on this, and I love how you can make out all the details in her face. Simply perfect.