My Very Late Lengthy List of Winners.

May 30, 2009 13:50

What if it wasn't a fight to save humanity. But a fight to see who knew their ABCs. In tonight's award ceremony well answer that question.
It's an Alphabet throwdown. Humans vs. Cylons

26 Awards Will Be Presented Tonight. One for each letter. (Yeah I know that's a lot. But...Alphabet! Don't worry though next round we will return to the normal amount)

A is for Awesome which the leaders of the resistance wear. But tend to associate them with Irony too. Because well. They were cylons, and mythological cylon figures at that.

"Yeah, Xenophobia will bite you in the (oh look another A word) every time" award goes to...

Saul Tigh, Gaelen Tyrol, Sam Anders and...

*cue the Hendrix as performed by the large silver dudes in the orchestra pit*


B is for Blonde. No, not really. It's for Xanthocomic, meaning yellow haired girl.

The 'My Gods, I wish I was blonde as having to pick a word for each letter of my name in school, not fun. Usually the most flattering thing was Xenophobic." award

goes to Kara Thrace and...

*cue the BSG montage music*


C is for Cheif

who wins the "All of this has happened before..." award along with

*Centurion drum roll*


D is for Death

The "Tragic Death Scene" award goes to

Elosha, Laura Roslin, and...

*montage music*


E is for Eights

The "There are many copies" award and a lovely GAP gift cirtificate redeemable only on Caprica go to

goes to a lot of 8's and

*Centurion drum roll*


Have fun shopping!

And to get you there we have Robin Sparkles with Let's Go to The Mall =

F is for Frak it, I'm Giving this award to a Kara Thace icon. For she is frakkin' awesome. For Real

The "Kara is Frakkin' Awesome. Deal with it." award

goes to Kara Thrace, who seems to have poofed of somewhere and...

*cue confused looking Lee*


G is for greif

The "They hold me up at gunpoint, beat me, attempt rape, kidnap my child and tell me it's dead. But when somebody has to risk their life, it's all 'Hey, um...Sharon? " award goes to Athena and....

*Centurion drum roll*


(A box of tissues will be available as you exit the stage. We also have ushers handing them out to Audience members. Just no sudden movements because our ushers are centurions, and they might shoot you. )

H is for hugs and Hello Lover and Home?

The "Hugs, must have hugs!" award goes to Kara, Lee (who just tackled Kara to the ground for a hug), and...

*BSG montage music*


I is for Insane (Beyond)

Kara and Lee win the " Two Insane Dorks" award along with

*BSG montage music*

J is for Jobs. Gauis has had a few. Scientist, Quorum Delegate, Vice President, President, Cult Leader, Messiah Figure, and farmer? (Head! Gaius was a messenger for a higher power too, but not sure if that should count.)

The "Take This Job and Shove It" award

goes to Gauis Baltar and...

*montage music*


K is for Kara Thrace

"The Starbuck is made of win." award

goes to the lovely Kara Thrace and

* BSG montage music*


Lis for Lines We Love. Like "What do you hear Starbuck?"

the "Lines We Love" award goes to Bill Adama, Kara Thrace, and ...

* BSG montage music*


M is for Man Candy (Helo flavored)

The "I want Candy" award goes to Helo and...

* BSG montage music*


N is for No More Mr Nice Gauis

Poor frustrated sometimes President/Crazy Cult Leader Baltar relieves the " I'm a Doctor Not a ... whatever the frak you want me to be!!!" award along with...

*cue centurion, no wait BSG montage music*


O is for the other Sharon, Boomer aka Sharon Valerii

The award for "Cylon who got the raw deal, and you know did some bad stuff, but ultimately redeemed herself. Before being killed" goes to Sharon Valerii and....

*Centurion drum roll*


P is for Pigeon. Which is not symbolic. It's about the pigeon!!! (Lee had a pet pigeon. Sometimes he got drunk and declared his undying love for it. It reminded him of Kara. Also he named it Kara.This was somewhat troubling to his wife, Dee who felt it was bad enough having to compete with Kara, but a pigeon? Luckily for her he accidentally got so drunk he killed, cooked , and ate the poor thing while commanding the Pegasus. Of course then she had to save the real Kara, so all in all the she and the pigeon got the sore end of that deal.)

As P is for Pigeon our next award is the super special Pigeon Power Award for the empowerment of pigeons

Before we get to presenting that award though.

Prince will be pantomiming the when doves cry video, Lee Adama will accompany on vocals. We stress that you really shouldn't try to listen though, because it's actually pre-recorded from a Galactica karaoke night, which Lee wasn't holding his liquor very well. He starts sobbing halfway through. You can hear Anders in the background making derogatory remarks as Helo and Colonel Tigh dragged his sorry drunken self off stage. But the birds in the video are pretty. Also look at the shiny centurion dancers all down with their bad selves.

and the award goes to

a pigeon representative *who will not be giving it's points to the cylons or the humans* and kivryn


(and... *cue Flock of Seagulls playing Space Age Love Song for outro*)

Q is for Quaff. Because we like us our drunkards on this here fleet.

the " Drink'em under the table award" goes to Kara Thrace along with

*cue the BSG montage music*


R is for Racetrack

who posthumously wins the "Yeah, well I killed the cylons." award along with...

*cue the BSG montage music*


S is for Sleepy Starbuck and her Squishy

The award "I has squishy" award goes to Starbuck and...

*cue the BSG montage music*


T is for Tigh. (Cause he's our favorite kick butt older dysfunctional drunk)

The "NYPD Award" goes to

Saul Tigh and

*cue Hendrix, with centurions on drums and Anders on bass*


U is for Untouchable. Scar was untouchable.

The "Little Raider That Could" award goes to

Scar and...

*centurion drum roll*


V is for very pretty #6

The "#6 is hotter than you. And probably smarter. And more religious." award goes to Head! 6, Caprica 6, Natalie, Gina and

*Centurion drum roll*


W W is for Weed

And the " Now I know my ABCs Next time Won't You Sing (and get high) with me" award goes to the two wacky people in charge and...

*BSG montage music*


(Just to clear things up as there was confusion last time, you, Laura, Bill, and the bag of weed are all more than welcome to go have fun backstage. Just don't get too high okay. You have another award coming.)

X is for Xena-bot!

And the "Making me picture the warrior princess with a giant silver robot as her sidekick" goes to...

*centurion drumroll....*


Y is for Yay! Orgy!

The ' Baltar's Got His Pimp Hat On!' award goes to

The 6 Sex-Bot Trio, Gauis, and

*centurion drumroll....*


Now if you would just put on your best pimp swagger and come up on the stage to a Robert Palmer , The Six Sex-bot girls, and The Centurions Medley of:
Some Guys Have All The Luck & Addicted to Love

(Yes, tou may take the sixes with you.)

Z is for ZOMG!

The "It's The End of The World as We Know It"

award goes to Gauis Baltar and...

*cue BSG montage music*


And with the acceptance of our last award we leave you with that sentiment, summed up by REM: , while we tabulate the winners

And the final tally....

(I may have miscounted, but the humans clearly win, unless people married to cylons share they're points. In which case it's cylons by a landslide.)

If anyone would like a lovely I won ( either a or this many ) golden cylons in the Alphabet round award / banner. Let me know. Otherwise. I collapse now.

Disclaimer: Lee mockage, is purely for fun. I actually like Lee.

!voting, :juliet42, !alphabet

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