Winnerrsss :D We're all amazing, they were all gorgeous, very very hard to choose.
W for Wow, that's such great blending :D
radon_ W for Welcommee :D I <3 this icon
jehnt D for I DON'T care if it's an alt, it's awesome and I'm picking it.
radon_ C for *cries* because this is so capturing of her grief :'(
danniisupernova S for Scary Gina in an awesomely cropped and coloured icon
kivryn Y for YAY OTP FTW
jeebs83 C for Conflicted because Gina's all bashed and pretty :/
juliet42 H for Holy Hell, Maidel? How do you make so pretty?
xmaidelx M for MAN CANDY. gorgeous :D
merlinburgh G for Gorgeous, omg. so so pretty. Channel mixers, you say? *opens ps*