Title: Her Cloudy Trophies (The ‘Go Not to Lethe’ Remix)
munditia Summary: Dee prays because Earth is the one belief she refuses to let go.
Characters / Pairing: Dee, Dee/Lee (with implied Lee/Kara)
Rating: PG-13 (or maybe a light R)
Warnings: References to character death, violence, self-harm, suicide, and the general robot apocalypse. So, nothing worse than in canon.
Word Count: > 6,500
Author’s Notes:
1) This was written for the
bsg_remix 2010, as an adaptation of
Thy Vigils Keep by
queenofthorns And I borrowed huge chunks from the wonderful original. So, if you read a passage you do like, it was probably written by
queenofthorns first. ;)
2) There’s also one line I blatantly stole from Pat Barker’s sublime novel The Ghost Road, and the title was nicked from John Keats’
Ode on Melancholy.
3) There are quite a few female-characters-centric stories over at
bsg_remix, so do check them out!
Her Cloudy Trophies