Mar 22, 2008 21:11
Just a quick reminder to let everybody know that tomorrow is that last official day of slashathon postings. If you won't get yours in by then, that's quite alright, just give us a head's up to let us know what's going on.
(Myself, for instance, got one fic in, and will be a bit late on the second one.)
Everyone has done such a great job with this. I'm really overwhelmed. Everyone, even those that merely tried and didn't quite make it this time, deserves a pat on the back!
So what now? Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think it would be great to do some more in the future. Let us know in the comments to this post if you guys would be interested in trying again sometime in the future? Another slashathon like this one or some kind of similar event? Perhaps a prompt exchange between members, etc. Thoughts?
event: blind ficathon