Comment Ficathon: Mid-event Round-up

Oct 11, 2008 16:44

Hello everybody, this is your mid-event round-up and reminder!

We're half-way through and I am so overwhelmed and pleased with the turn-out so far. How many amazing fics have been written so far for our first-ever comment ficathon? Twenty-three, that's how many!


Holy mac & cheese, that's outstanding!

We have until next Saturday (October 18th) to write, write write. (Did you know you can write for your own prompts if you like? Yup!) And I'm sure that those of us who have written would love any and all feedback we get, so take a peek behind the cut where I've listed everything that's been written so far. When you're done over there, head back on over to the prompts and put that muse to work.

(And just a quick reminder that anyone, even non-members, can participate, and if you want to post your fic anonymously, you're more than welcome to.)

pairing, title or prompt, rating, author

Anders/Duck, Hope to Lose Myself For Good, pg, dayln03
Anders/Leoben, Trump, pg13, sionnain
Anders/Chief, A Place I Don't Feel Lost, pg13, superduperkc
Anders/Gaeta, Goal, teen, i_want_2
Anders/Gaeta, Fans, teen, i_want_2
Anders/Gaeta, Fare Offer, teen, i_want_2
Anders/Gaeta, Fuck It, teen, i_want_2
Anders/Gaeta, Earth That Was, teen, i_want_2
Anders/Male Cylon Raider, Sleep, g, sionnain
Baltar/Gaeta, Novice, pg13, lls_mutant
Doral/Leoben Us and Them, pg, exploding_candy
Helo/Gaeta, Blue My Mind, teen, i_want_2
Helo/Gaeta, Sexual Harassment, teen, i_want_2
Helo/Gaeta, Midnighter, teen, i_want_2
Jammer/Gaeta, Sweetness, teen, i_want_2
Jammer/Gaeta, Dirty Laundry, teen, i_want_2
Lee/Gaeta, Jilted, teen, i_want_2
Leoben/Leoben, Stargazing, teen, sionnain

Anders/Leoben/Kara, Switch, adult, sionnain
Anders/Chief/Baltar, Gossip, teen, blue_crow

Anders/Castiel (SPN), Where the Pinions Stoop to Earth, pg, lizardbth_j
Baltar/Nathan Petrelli (Heroes)/Caprica, New York, New Friends, teen, krilymcc
Baltar/Nathan Petrelli, Woke to a Blood Red Sky, adult, krilymcc

!round-up post, !!modpost, event: comment!ficathon

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