Comment Ficathon - calling all prompts!

Sep 28, 2008 22:45

As we mentioned the other day, in a week's time we'll be starting a two week comment ficathon (October 5-18).

Our main goal is to find a way for us to collectively spark our creativity and have fun writing BSG slash again. We're doing this along the lines of the Porn Battle, except we're not limiting ourselves to porn. We'd like to see how many people we can get to participate-and how much slashy goodness we can generate-but before anybody can get writing, we need you to…


Look for guidelines for writing and posting fic when the ficathon gets underway, but this week, we're just looking for simple prompts: pairing + one word. Anybody can leave prompts, regardless of whether you're a member of the comm.


1. Submission format: pairing, word. Example: Felix/Gaius, white.

2. Submit as many as you like-for several different pairings and/or multiple prompts for the same pairing, if you want. The more possibilities, the merrier. :)

3. Please remember we're a community for m/m slash. Hey, we love het and f/f slash (and gen, too!), but those genres already have challenge communities devoted to them. Boyslash did not, which is why we created this comm. But note: threesomes involving women are welcome…so long as it's a slashy threesome (for instance Leoben/Sam/Kara, rather than Leoben/Kara/Sam).

4. Also welcome: real person fiction and crossovers. If writing about characters outside the BSG fandom, please include the crossover fandom name in the prompt submission. Example: Helo/Ron Weasley (Harry Potter), trip.

5. Prompting closes Saturday, October 4, so you have all week to scheme and plan...and submit!

!prompts, !!modpost, event: comment!ficathon

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