Title: Oh, What a Life (the Oh, What a Night! remix)
Characters: Laura Roslin, Bill Adama
Pairing: Roslin/Adama
Rating: R/Mature
Warnings: None.
Summary: In a fit of rage at Richard Adar, Laura Roslin has an uncharacteristic one night stand with a mysterious man but leaves before she ever gets his name. Years later, on New Caprica, she has to face
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“My one question,” he continued, “is whether you always get your men so plastered they can’t get it up before you sleep with them or is that a tactic you reserve just for me?” I died at this :-) The whole reveal is sweet and loving and funny...very accepting & understanding of her actions back then. Felt like just what she needed. And the burst of good humor at the end is a lovely, positive touch--just feels good and right for both of them!
“I’m not sure what you want me to say here, Bill.” Love this line, here and in canon. This is what real people say in awkward situations :-)
Thanks for taking this on. You brought more richness than I could have imagined from a short kinkfic (and nicely ramped up the heat, too! Yay for Talented!Bill!) :-)
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