Title: Somedays
nnaylimeSummary: Dee contemplates the future.
Characters: Dee, Bill Adama, Lee Adama. Subtle Lee/Dee and Billy/Dee
Rating: All Ages
Beta Thanks:
zinke did a fabulous job of beta-ing (and handholding!) really pushing to fill in some gaps and clarify some areas.
Remix of: "
Latter Days" by
pellucid Notes: There were a lot of
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Comments 12
(Okay, Dee/Billy children? Makes me squee too :D)
Turning a whole fic on it was a great idea. I particularly loved the line, "Lee didn't want a family, but he didn't want to be a man who didn't want a family either." That to me is very Lee -- I can see him struggling with appearances versus his own gut desires.
I really enjoyed this remix.
One little thing: I can't quite parse a part of your last line, 'the rapidly hope'? Was that supposed to be the rapidly dwindling hope, possibly?
Ah, that sounds just like something I imagine Dee would think.
Lee didn’t want a family, but he didn’t want to be the man who didn’t want a family either.
And that rings very true for Lee. ;)
And her memory of having the same conversation with Billy, and how different it felt, is so poignant and sad. Oh Dee.
Very nice job!
This is SO AWESOME!!!!!! Thank you, oh anonymouse!!! Just...YES! The characterization here is perfect for all three of them.
This is SO Bill, and such a lovely insight about him: She wondered sometimes whether the admiral’s refusal to see the world as anything but how he wished it to be had stemmed from living so long in a culture where his every word was unquestionably obeyed, or if it had been what had drawn him to the service in the first place.
And this one is spot-on for Lee: Lee didn’t want a family, but he didn’t want to be the man who didn’t want a family either. I've grown quite fond of Lee over time, but I also think that his indecision and desire to have things both ways is one of his most characteristic traits, and you capture that perfectly in that line.
And DEE!!!!! Oh, my beloved Dee!!!!
Once again, thank you! This is such a lovely complement to "Latter Days," and I will eagerly await finding out who you are!
Lee picked his battles with his father all too carefully, depending on whether his goal was to win his father’s approval or to assert his own identity.
This fits the Adama men very well I think, and there's some lovely comparisons here between them and their motivations.
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