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kappamaki33 April 30 2011, 15:24:57 UTC
Thanks! All credit goes to millari for the awesomeness of the Hoshi-Racetrack dynamic. I was just hoping I could do the original some justice on that count, so I'm happy that it looks like it turned out well.

It was very important to me that no group--Galacticans, Pegusans, mutineers, civilians, anyone--was monolithic in its views. Every group is made up of individuals with very different reasons for what they do within the group and how they feel about the group's actions. Gaeta takes a lot of flak for some of the awful things his mutineers did, and as their leader, I think he would take responsibility for it, just like Cain would likely take responsibility for her crew's deeds. But that doesn't mean everyone under them was in perfect mental lock-step with their leaders. I really enjoyed getting to examine that spectrum of different viewpoints within any group in this fic.

Thanks again for reading!


trovia April 12 2011, 18:14:01 UTC
What a great fic! I knew I'd love this just from seeing what story you picked and reading the header, and it lived up to the expectation all the way through. I love the dark atmosphere, the tone of voice you used and all the topics you brought up, ranging from the way Adama has changed and not changed (Narcho had a good point about him discarding of democracy) to the Gina issue and the fact that the status of the Astral Queen was apparently changed back to prison ship after Zarek's death. Seelix refusing to fly with the Twos was another chilling moment, and an excellent point to make about the whole disaster that was the situation post NC. I also loved Racetrack and Narcho a lot in this.


kappamaki33 April 30 2011, 15:11:24 UTC
Thanks! I'd had a slight inkling of this feeling before I wrote this fic, but I don't think it'd ever solidified with me before that, for as much as Season 4.5 Adama nettles me, he's not as far removed from the Adama of the first three and a half seasons as I like to believe he is. The fact that the Astral Queen's free/prison status turned on a dime--and not even because of anything the prisoners did--was something else I never would've thought about without this fic, either. I definitely never would've written anything like this but for remix, and I'm really glad I did.


lorrainemarker April 13 2011, 01:01:49 UTC
I love the vivid description throughout this story. From the frigid shower to the way the deck grating hurt Racetrack's feet you just gave the story these wonderful descriptive touches that made Racetrack's post-mutiny imprisonment real and personal.

The callbacks to earlier episodes, esp. the role of the dead and Roslin's whiteboard were just excellent. I rather like the idea of the board being off because deaths were deliberately underreported to obtain more rations. Somehow, I suspect that is a fleetwide issue and not at all unique to Astral QueenThe way you sketched out each character pulled me deeply into the story. Racetrack, in spite of her words to Louis, seemed to still search for hope in her life. If she could no longer keep faith in a person or in the possibility of a new life she still wasn't ready to lay down and die on anyone's terms but her own. Louis as the romantic partner in Felix and his relationship rings very true to the webisodes. I like how you flipped the conversation answering Louis' questions, but only so ( ... )


kappamaki33 April 30 2011, 15:06:53 UTC
Thanks so much! Giving Racetrack so much hope despite her cool exterior was kind of a tough decision, because I found what she said to Louis in the original so fascinating. But I just couldn't come up with a way to make her story arc if I took their conversation completely at face-value--particularly to get her to arc in a way in which Hoshi could be instrumental. I'm glad the Racetrack-Louis conversations worked well for you.

Seelix always had an edge to her, but I could definitely see her having more bitterness and...maybe not brittleness, but something like that--sharpness? I don't know. Anyway, more of whatever that quality is post-New Caprica, and that seemed like a realistic reason for it to me. And I loved writing Narcho in this. His moral code is quite fascinating.

Thanks again for reading!


rose_griffes April 13 2011, 01:04:45 UTC
This is fantastic. I loved how perceptive Racetrack is during her conversations with Hoshi and how she's a reflection of all the mutiny has experienced... all the fleet has experienced, really.

Seelix and Narcho as supportive friends is awesome, too. (Frak, can't use my Seelix icon until I renew my paid account. *grumps*)


kappamaki33 April 30 2011, 13:35:27 UTC
Thanks so much! Seelix and Narcho got such interesting little tidbits of activity during the mutiny arc, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take their stories further here. (And because I don't have a Narcho or Seelix icon, I guess I'll just have to go with one that includes Narcho's actor.)


mserrada April 13 2011, 03:43:48 UTC
I hadn't given much thought to what had happened to the mutineers before Daybreak, very interesting and believable exploration of their head-space before and after the mutiny.

Nice detailing with Hoshi and all the interconnected relationships.

Glad you showed that there were those on Pegasus who understood the lines between humane and inhuman behavior..


kappamaki33 April 30 2011, 13:30:44 UTC
Thanks so much for reading! I've always thought that, just like the mutiny showed that there were a range of opinions and viewpoints on Galactica, there must have been a lot of different viewpoints on the Pegasus as well. Though Racetrack was my focus, I was really happy to have the chance to explore that in this fic as well.


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