Title: “The Gold and the Grey (Edge Hill Remix)”
remix author:
carnographySummary: Her face was a child’s and he thought she would cry. But she closed herself up like a fan.
Characters: Leoben, Caprica Six, Kacey, Gaius Baltar
Pairings: Leoben/Kara, Caprica/Gaius
Rating: T
Beta Thanks: A HUGE thank you to
somadanne for the beta job on this fic -- my maiden voyage
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Comments 10
I also like your use of color here. Sunlight stretches, cold white bulkheads and gold against grey. Very, very nice imagery.
I am speechless with how awesome this is. I was really anxious about doing a remix, and having someone rearrange one of my little baby fics into whatever they wanted, but this- this just enhances and makes it ten times better and yet makes it into something completely different at the same time and it's delicious. I feel like you got the tone down perfectly, and Caprica's emotions in particular and Leoben's reasoning and the inclusion of God and "white pills and gentle touches" which isn't that important of a line but I love the rhythm of those words and you reused them, and the echo of what Leoben likes about New Caprica, how they use the detention center as a landmark, and I could quote everything back to you, but the gist of it would be that I love you for being so amazing.
In conclusion: EPIC FLAILING! Thank you so, so much!
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