The Cylon leader, Natlie dies - despite Doc Cottle being awesome.
The civilians are getting restless, so Lee calls his Dad. Dad tells him to deal with it, he has to yell at Athena for killing a Cylon.
Dad has his own problems. There aren’t enough pilots to protect the fleet. Lee deals with the civilian problem by telling Zarek he’s the wrong man for the job.
ROMO LAMPKIN - FTW! (head!cat is pretty awesome, too).
“Lampkin's first rule of legal dynamics. When an irresistible force meets a movable object, stand aside and wait for the class action suit.”
Tigh hangs out with Caprica and asks her about Resurrection Hubs when a Raptor jumps into the fleet. Racetrack goes to check it out.
Romo is setting Lee up to be the fallguy next president when Galactica simply jumps away. WTFrak? They find a debris field and start looking for the missing Basestar.
Lee trips over the cat bowl, Adama chats with Doc Cottle about how the President is doing and then has a fight with his BFF over who gets to drink this shift.
Athena sings to herself, Starbuck disapproves of Adama’s plans and Romo gets to wax poetic about hope and legal stuff and things people can’t live without. It all makes Adama thinky.
I’m. Too Sexy for this Shirt. Too Sexy for this Shirt. So Sexy it Hurts. Adama was going to tell Lee how he doesn’t want to live without Laura, but Right Said Fred sings and it distracts everyone.
Romo’s still trying to figure out who should be the next president. He confers with Head!cat and it’s decided. Lee Adama.
Romo either wants Lee to take the president’s office or to take off that damned shirt. Lee is concerned because Romo’s carrying around his dead cat.
Now that his son is safely ensconced in political office, Adama gives command of Galactica to his BFF cylon buddy so he can go off and chase girls (well, one girl).
JAKE!!!! *squishes* Also, I think I’m starting to ship Lee/Romo. *headdesk*
Lee doesn’t agree with his dad, his dad doesn’t agree with him. What else is new? Lee and Starbuck both see Adama off.
Adama hangs out in his Raptor with his book and waits for his girlfriend to show up at the rendezvous coordinates.
-Adama seemed to dismiss the civilian leadership without the presence of Laura Roslin. Was he too distracted by his concern and worry over Laura or do you think he truly had such little respect for both Zarek and the Quorum?
-Lee and Romo had a lot of interaction this episode. Do you think Lee was genuinely surprised that his name floated to the top of the list for the presidency?
-Did you think Romo (or Head!Cat) was a reasonable candidate for being the final cylon?
-This is a big episode for Adama/Roslin shippers. Do you like this pairing? Hate this pairing? How did this episode impact your opinion?
Thanks to for the screencaps! ;)