Heartbreak Ships: The 'Shipper Complaint Thread

Jan 15, 2009 08:49

We won't judge you here.

This is the thread where you can complain LOUDLY (if you like) about your favorite BSG 'ship (romantic or friendship) and how RDM gleefully destroyed it, probably just to cause you personal pain.

You may be surprised but my Heartbreak 'Ship was Caprica/Boomer. I thought they were safe from RDM's evil non-plot, but lo, I was mistaken. Not only did they have next to no scenes together on NC - even though it was THEIR BRILLIANT IDEA - but they end up breaking up, literally, with a neck crack over Baby Hera's constipation.

And it gets worse from there. Caprica with Tigh, Evil!Boomer with Cavil ... *cringes* My little ray of happiness, my femmeslash robot 'ship, dead. Thanks A LOT, RDM.

Anyway, enough of MY pain. Tell me yours. In as much detail as you like.

We're here to listen. Let the healing begin.
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