This is actually something I dreamed after I saw Pegasus for the first time, so it's been sitting in my head since 2007. It goes something like this:
Laura has a twin sister who arrives with the Pegasus. Naturally they assume Laura is a cylon and they both get thrown in the brig on the Galactica. Eventhough they are certain they are going to die, they are really happy to see each other. Because they are going to die they start confessing all kinds of stuff to each other. The sister told Laura she slept with Richard while he thought she was her. Laura said something like 'that explains his strange behavior at the christmas party last year'. They were also discussing something about a threesome they gave as a birthday gift to some boyfriend in college.
So in this AU Laura and Richard were not having an affair, though Richard was interested.
Adama was watching the whole conversation from the observationroom.
I would love to see this cracky dream turned into a fic, as I don't write, I am hoping someone else will. Think of the possibilities, you can make up all sorts of embarrassing stuff for Laura to confess. And you can have Bill fantasizing about threesomes... Oh hell, you can actually give him one...
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