Title: Prompt #9
brokenmnemonicRating: PG
Genre: Behind the scenes
Character/Pairing: Six, Simon, Leoben by implication, Kara by implication
Warnings: Nothing major
Spoilers: Nothing major
Prompt:Six, Simon, some more behind-the-scenes of The Farm
Prompt #9 )
Comments 17
lovely piece.
Mostly, I'm really happy to have actually written something at all - it's been so long I was worried I'd forgotten how :P Thank you for the lovely
I love Six's mutinous last line, and how Simon brushes it off, but how we know it'll come true... Which, in a way, is the "destiny" of a prophetic statement.
Insight into the mind of the killer. And whereas one would expect a total humanization or machinization, we discover a conflict between the two. Which is refreshing on premise, and, I think, true of the Cylons.
I loved this.
This was fascinating. I really enjoyed your descriptions of the cylon models, their progression and their purpose.
VERY interesting!
This was one of the few attempts I've made to try and put how I view the Cylon models down in any form of writing - I think a part of the reason I chose the prompt I did is because the Cylons are an area that could be incredibly rich from the storytelling POV, but which tends to be skipped over. A lot of fic just uses the Cylons as villains or love interests, and downgrades their fundamentally alien natures to simply being "like us but nasty."
Thank you for the feedback :) Maybe I'll manage to get some more writing done sometime - it felt really good to actually be able to post something up for a change.
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