Remix Fic: Circumstance (The Remus Remix) by elly427, M, Zak/Kara, Kara/Lee

Jun 19, 2008 00:25

Title: Circumstance (The Remus Remix)
Author: elly427
Pairing: Zak/Kara, Kara/Lee
Original Story: Decline and Fall by elzed
Rating: M
Summary: It's fine, he wants to say, but it's not, it's so not. He loves her enough for it not to be fine anymore.
A/N: Better late than never? My apologies to elzed and the hiatusthon organizers for being ridiculously late


"It is the design of this (. . .) to deduce the most important circumstances of its decline and fall; a revolution which will ever be remembered, and is still felt by the nations of the earth."

Edward Gibbons, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire



ch#2:fic, lee/kara, lee adama, kara/zak, zak adama, kara thrace

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