Mod Post: Reference & Challenge Suggestions

Apr 08, 2005 14:51

This post will serve as both a place to drop challenge suggestions and as a reference point for community moderators. It will be linked to in the community info.

If you have a challenge suggestion, just drop it in the comments of this post and it will be added to the list below. Once a challenge has been used it will be crossed from the list.

Moderator Schedule
- Week One - ilanabean42
- Week Two - silverofhearts
- Week Three - thenewhope
- Week Four - myalchod

For Mods: Challenge Posts
Once the mod who is in charge of the week before you has closed their challenge, you are free to chose a challenge from the below list and make a post opening it. The subject line of your post should look like this: "Mod Post: Blank Challenge" (substituting "blank: for the challenge name).

Also, be sure to include a link to the rules on the community's info page and a link back to this post for challenge suggestions. And be sure to include a reminder that subject lines should look like, "Title by Author".

Seven days after you have opened your challenge, make a post closing it. If you will not be able to close the challenge on the seventh day, please contact the moderate in charge of the week after you and work something out with them.

For Mods: Memories Set Up
One of your duties during your week is to organize all challenge entries in the memories under the challenge name. Make sure to archive the challenge open post first, then archive each entry by title followed by author name (the subject line of each entry should be set up like this any way). check out sga_flashfic's memories for an example.

Challenge List
- AU Challenge - give us an AU, whether it be little things that are changed or huge things.
- Backstory Challenge - explore a part of a character's backstory that we haven't seen on the show.
- In 10 Years Challenge - tell us where the characters are in 10 years time.
- Food Challenge - what are they eating in the fleet? What food do they miss from home?
- Lie/Lay Challenge - someone has to be lying - whether this means they're lying down or lying to someone is up to you.
- Mistakes Challenge - someone makes a mistake.
- Silence Challenge - use silence in some way.
- Music Challenge - story must feature music in some way.
- Games Challenge - people playing games, whether they be sports, cards or mind games.
- 33 Challenge - authors have 33 minutes to write their story.
- Frak Challenge - sex, cussing and other yummy things.
- Death Challenge - kill someone off.
- Cylon Challenge - make someone a Cylon.
- Crossover Challenge - cross BSG over with another fandom.
- Alien Challenge - have them run into some aliens.
- Darkness Challenge - put your characters in the dark, literally or figuratively.
- Misconception Challenge - someone witnesses or overhears something they weren't meant to and then acts on their misconception of the events.
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