Teaser trailer for Razor (or rather, for a sneak peek of Razor) up on YouTube right now.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTPERP3Du3s The sneak peek is during the S2 premier of Eureka on July 10th.
Short as heck, a real tease in other words. Lee looking all wistful, Roslin looking hot and ruthless, Cain looking a lot younger and infinitly better coiffed (possible pre-history as the rumours say?), Gina looking like shes going to knock somones block off, and Starbuck looking distinctly green around the gills, Pappa-Adama looking all sort of oblivious and calm before the stormy.
Can't quite work out if the woman in the shot with Cain is the same as the new person shown at about 00:08, who I gather is the new character, Kendra Shaw, played by Stephanie Chaves-Jacobsen.