Title: Goddesses are Nipping at Our Heels
Author: AsianScaper (
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica, 2003
Pairing/s & Characters: Laura/Six, Laura/Tory, head!Gaius/Six if you squint
Spoilers: Seasons 2 to 3 - 'The Woman, King' in particular
Rating: NC-17 (for all the naughty things)
Summary: With the new prisoner on Galactica and the Saggitaron health problem, Laura and Tory are haunted by memories of New Caprica.
A/N: Unbeta'ed work, all mistakes are mine. Dedicated to a bunch of people (see original post). For the lot of Froggy prOn lovers out there, an experimental, second try. *licks*
The story can be read
HERE, at my journal.