Title: Cleansing of Hate/Mockery of Justice
femslash100 Challenge #97 - Justice
Fandom: BSG/Voyager
Pairing: Roslin/Janeway (implicit Roslin/Kara & Janeway/Seven)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine, if they were I’d be doing very bad things to them far too often…
Word Count: 100 + 100
A/N: Based on
J/R idea, which, while I can’t seem to come up with a direct plot for it, has been floating around in my head… Not happy stuff...
The hate was palpable through the fingertips that held her, teased her, pushed deep into her. And she deserved it. Kara was dead. And she had killed so many others before they had come to this uneasy alliance. The deaths weighed on her thoughts, invaded her sleep, until she began the nightly ritual of finding her destruction beneath Kathryn’s touch. And Kathryn was happy to oblige, because she had killed Seven. She lathered herself in Kathryn’s hate, willing the hands to flay her soul, burn off the layers until she was whole again. But she could never truly be absolved.
Seven’s face vanished from the viewscreen. A split instant later the sound blasted through her skin as if only her soul was tangible. She met Laura four sleepless days later, seeing the same emptiness written in her face. She was glad. And after the meeting she lacerated that body with her pain, pressing her into the wall and hurting her the only way she knew how, violating the body that had single-handedly destroyed her soul. Kathryn lived on in hate and pain, pain only alleviated by the nightly torment Laura was only too willing to endure, like a false martyrdom.